About Me

Rooted in England, I have lived and worked in Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia and China for over forty years. During this time I have collected various rugs and textiles from wherever I have been with an interest to learn more about the cultures who made them.

Increasingly, my passion enjoys a tension between what was made by communities with a tribal and sometimes nomadic heritage and those coming from sophisticated urban communities driven by different commercial imperatives.

In some cases I am left feeling a strange contact with peoples and places, traditions and countries even, that sometimes no longer exist. Perhaps this is reflective of how I begin to understand a life of professional migrancy in a world where the current patterns of human movement and new nationalism can confound us while we seek to better understand the human realities of complexity and diversity. And it is in rugs that I learn much about our human differences and commonalities past and present.

I hope you enjoy this site and please do correct me if any of my write-ups about the rugs displayed are poorly informed. If you wish to discuss any of these rugs and carpets with a view to buying them or simply open a conversation please email: cowrierugsandcarpets@gmail.com.

Best wishes,

Matthew Farthing

Contact us at: cowrierugsandcarpets@gmail.com